We really enjoy Mexican foods of varying sorts and, although this is certainly an Americanized version of Mexican food, it is one we like to have often. It came from my Edwards Ward Cookbook but, like so many other recipes, it has received some adaptations along the way since Steve prefers his soups to be thick and chunky.
1 lb hamburger
1 can tomatoes
1 small can tomato sauce
1 pkg (or 3 tbsp) taco seasoning
1 cup corn
1/4 tsp garlic powder
2 cans kidney beans
1 tbsp sugar
1 large can olives, sliced
3 cups water
1 cup dry macaroni
Brown and drain hamburger. Combine all ingredients except pasta in a large pot and bring to a boil. Add pasta and cook until tender. Ladle into bowls and serve immediately with a side of corn bread.
Note: this recipe can be done in the crockpot, cooking on high for 4 hours and adding pasta a half hour before serving.
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